Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Zombie For Don

Well, Westerfield Studios got an odd one. Can we put a 36" Chain-saw throw you and sill have you stager about... Well the answer is Yes We Can!

Don came by with an e-bay non-working saw "all 12 lb. of it". I told him I thought we could make a breast and back plate gut the saw and cut the blade in two and mount it to the b&b.

Don looked happy, Cut me a big check and some bling from and off he went.

Day 1 put saw in van.

Day 2 Drive around town with gas smell in van, remember something about a saw or something.

Day 3 cut hand on some saw in van. Zombie saw. I need to do something with that.

Day 4 looked and saw. Looked at table. Put saw on table.

Day 5-8 move saw on and off table to make room for space armor for "Shockwave the Darkside" the movie

Day 9 Talk to Don tell him that tomorrow I will start on the saw.

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